Getting Started With RemindBuy

A few steps to get the most out of RemindBuy

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  1. Match Your Brand
    Change the color of the RemindBuy widget so that it matches your branding and will look good in your website.
    Tip: The RemindBuy widget is always visible in the RemindBuy platform on the right side so you can see preview how it looks and behaves.
  2. Show on First Visit
    With 'Show On First Visit' selected the RemindBuy window will automatically open the first time a customer visits your site (after RemindBuy is active). This will only happen once.
    Tip: This is highly recommended
  3. Managing Events
    Click on ‘Events’ in the left-hand menu. Here you will see our list of the most popular events that the RemindBuy has created for you. These events will be available in the popup window for your customers. You can remove events by clicking the ‘X’ or add your own events by clicking the ‘Add Event’ button on the top right.
  4. Preview
    When you click on the ‘Preview’ button next to each event you will see the email that your customers will receive, along with the product links you have added. The next steps will cover how to customize the emails.
    Tip: Click 'Send To Me' to have the email sent to you to ensure it looks good in your inbox.
  5. Manage Emails
    Click on ‘Emails’ in the left-hand menu. Here you will find all the email templates that have been created by RemindBuy. You can edit them by clicking on them, add new emails by click ‘Add Email’ at the top right, or delete emails by pressing the ‘X’. You can only delete emails that are not being used by an event.
  6. Signature
    The most important step in the Emails section is to setup your signature. We have provided a template that only requires you to update your email and website address but you are free to make any changes you want.
  7. Social Media
    Click on the ‘Social Media’ button. Here you can add links to all your social media. These links will appear at the bottom of each email.
  8. Registration Email
    10. Click on ‘Registration’. This is the email that gets sent out immediately after one of your customers signs up for Reminders. If you offered any discount or promotion to encourage customers to sign up this would be the ideal place to include the Promo Code.
Installing RemindBuy
If you have any problems with installation, please get in touch with one of our techs by making an appointment here
  1. Click on ‘Install’. Here you will find more detailed instructions and the snippet that needs to be added to your site.
  2. Once the RemindBuy snippet has been added to your site. Click on ‘Widget’ and click the ‘Active’ checkbox.
  3. Go to your online store. The RemindBuy widget should now be present on the right side. You may need to refresh the page once.